It’s not surprising that addiction recovery invites a lot of negativity, mostly in the form of Depression. Sometimes, these people in recovery manage to find ways to beat the blues. After all, a stint in a sober living home does help minimize depression post rehab. The thing is, what about those people who cannot shake off the blues? Here are a few unconventional ways to beat the blues and avoid depression.
Book a flight
If your stint at a sober living home is ending in a month’s time or less, BUT the stress is starting to get to you, why not book a flight? It could be somewhere as crazy (as in crazy beautiful) as Maldives or somewhere closer to home like Texas. Booking a flight for a bit of a getaway after a stint in a sober living home may not be “sound”, per se. Some might even say that it’s not a great idea. But if you’re a traveler and love the excitement of seeing new sights and being with new people, looking forward to a flight might just help alleviate some of the blues. If booking a flight somewhere faraway does not fascinate you, then why not schedule a trip to a dear friend or family member in the near future? Sometimes, just the thought of traveling is a great way to get through the drudgery of everyday routines.
Dress up differently
It might be a stretch to label this as role-playing but dressing up in a different manner greatly impacts the way people behave towards you. If you’re used to wearing jeans and a shirt, why not go for something different entirely? A more dapper approach to dressing up, even if it’s just for a walk or a trip to the grocery store could pave the way to interesting conversation with different kinds of people. Dressing up in a different manner even affects your own mood. If you usually go for somber clothing, dressing up in brightly colored shirts might just be the change that you need. It’s a tad bit superficial but it’s a fun way to go about your day. Dressing up in something more costume-y could even prove to be a lot more fun than you’d think!
Go for Karaoke
There’s nothing like singing your heart out to beat the blues! If you don’t know a place where you can go for a karaoke session, belting out tunes while running a warm shower might have the same effect. Or if you’re not much of a big fan of singing, why not just watch a musical? It’s a great way to get your mind off of other things that may be worrying you, even if it’s just for a few hours. Playing pop songs on repeat might even have the same effect. A few minutes of hearing upbeat songs that you actually like can have the desired boost even for just a while.