Suffering from an addiction is one of the most trying periods in someone’s life. If you have gathered the courage to admit and tackle your addiction problem by undergoing rehabilitation, you are well on your way to leading a regular life. But sober living comes with its challenges; it takes time for you to catch up with all the areas in your life that were affected as a result of your problem. When your addiction recovery process seems trying, your confidence is likely to suffer leading to low self-esteem. At such times, you need all the help you can get. Here are some tips to help you boost your self-esteem as you recover.
Do not be too hard on yourself
If you compare yourself with seemingly successful people that do not seem to have the same problems you have, you will end up a bitter person. You ought to just accept your mistakes and stop being too hard on yourself since everyone makes mistakes.
Do not entirely depend on others
As you work towards sober living in Los Angeles, you ought to appreciate that your self-worth comes from within. It is upon you to create a positive mindset that will eventually build your confidence.
Accept things will work out slowly
Just because you have gone through addiction rehab does not mean that people will be trusting. Most people outside your immediate family will treat you with a lot of skepticism until you can prove that you have made a transformation. So you need to exercise a lot of patience when dealing with relatives, co-workers, and society in general.
Look for new opportunities
If you lost your previous job as a result of your addiction, the period after leaving the sober home provides you with an opportunity to start afresh. You can learn a new course or begin a career that incorporates your passions, and you might end up succeeding and living a brand new life in Los Angeles.
Take good care of yourself
If you wish to avoid the temptations that led to your addiction, you need to take care of yourself. You can do this by exercising, eating healthy and staying away from negative influences. It is a good idea to treat yourself at a fine restaurant to mark significant milestones of remaining sober.
Should you follow the above tips, you will gradually build your self-esteem.