by Casa Nuevo Vida | Jun 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
Let’s delve into a deeper look at 13 surprising facts about alcoholism and some of the resulting consequences. Facts About Alcoholism One of the most surprising facts about alcoholism is the tens of millions of Americans who are experiencing alcohol abuse or...
by Casa Nuevo Vida | Jun 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
Playa del Rey is a coastal neighborhood of Los Angeles. Celebrated for its picturesque dunes, nearby wetland terrain, and gorgeous beach views, it’s an attractive place to visit, but it’s also proving to be a healthful place to live and get sober. If...
by Casa Nuevo Vida | Jun 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
After intensive inpatient addiction therapy, a person may not be ready to return to their former life and home. Aspects of their former life could harbor temptations as well as the triggers that led them to abuse drugs or alcohol in the first place. One option to...
by Casa Nuevo Vida | May 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
To continue living a sober life after successful residential treatment can be challenging. You’ve been living with others who are reaching for the same goals as you, only to now be leaving that structured network of support and teamwork behind. There is good...
by Casa Nuevo Vida | May 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
Addiction specialists and healthcare providers often refer to the recovery process as a journey. This journey is invariably made in stages. The initial stage of substance addiction recovery is often the most intense part of the process. It typically involves medical...