Surviving the Jokes During Sober Living

Drug Addiction is No Joke In society it’s common to make jokes about substance abuse. People often make jokes during sober living about drug use in an attempt to be funny. But if you’ve suffered from addiction and are battling through addiction recovery,...

Being Positive: Recovery from an Addiction

A Few Pointers to Recovery from an Addiction Sober living is a necessary step to recovery from an addiction. It requires a mental investment and commitment to yourself and others. After some time, the battle blurs and the everyday living gets to be standard. You can...

3 Tips for Finding a New Sober Hobby

It’s Time for a New Sober Hobby – But What? You’ve finished your treatment and you’re going to be leaving the sober home that assisted in your recovery. So it’s time for a sober hobby to help nurture your new found life. This can be a little...